FFM 2023 #10 – Curse

Oana had watched her sisters grow up, then get out and free of the house. But she was the eldest and still she remained. One day she asked her mother. “When do I get to be like my sisters?” Her mother’s answer fell like an axe, though not without compassion. “Never, Oana.” “But, I can…”…

FFM 2023 #9 – Not so small mistake

I watched as the two clones examined each other in twinned horror. And the one thing going through my mind was “oops”. I was in trouble. Only so much more than I even realized. I could hear my boss in my head calling me an imbecile and how I would be the end of the…

FFM 2023 #8 – Haunting Case

You knew from the moment you met her that she’d be “your” case; the one haunting you for the rest of your career. It was in her reactions to male cops, to anyone touching her, and in her very big file. Everyone told you she was the worst victim; she was 23 and had an…

FFM 2023 #7 ~ Butterfly effect?

“Sure I might not have a “license” or know “how to drive” but yet, here I am officer.”  Dylan never imagined his stupid banter would cause his death, nor the revolution it provoked. ©scolpron2023 33 words Part of Flash Fiction Month, July 7th promptSure I might not have a “license” or know “how to drive”…

FFM 2023 #6 – Someone’s fool is another’s hero

“Sharom…” the twelve-armed Grabloub turned around and snarled. The bar owner never liked anyone who couldn’t hold their six beers at once. The newcomer was an oddity what with their uneven number of arms. Three-armed freak. But they came from money and power, so it wasn’t like Sharom could kick them out. “Look what I…

FFM 2023 #5 – Escape

“Come on…” Dore whined. Sala sighed. “No.” “But…. you promised.” “I did, didn’t I?” Sala knelt and watched the three men and the woman tied up on the floor, the gun lazily dangling from her hand. “See… Dore wants you dead. Can’t blame them really. I mean, how long have you kept us here? Playing…

FFM 2023 #4 – Wasted Lives

Jenna adjusted her goggles and mask. Even with it, it was hard to breathe with the toxic fumes the volcano had spouted non stop for the past… was it two weeks? Hard to say without the sun and moons to mark the passing of days. “You know you’re dead right?” The voice said again. She…

FFM 2023 #3 – Highway to Hell

Talia stopped at the crossroad; the way up to that point had been paved. She wasn’t entirely sure where she was. On the path leading to what she believed was East, a toll booth. On the path towards the West, none. Talia approached the booth; inside was a winged creature, who watched her with curious…

FFM 2023 #1 – Obscure Motives

Theodora Glendale looked down at the opened envelope. The broken seal was nondescript; a usual stamp from the Royal Mailing Services. Anyone could use them for just one Caledonian silver. Benjamin had brought the letter without any idea who might have written it. A boy from the district delivered it but didn’t stay long enough…

Story a Day May – Day 3

“We need to tell her.” Commodore Thornhill said, watching Theodora. “She will break, Commodore. Look at her, she’s barely holding it together.” The Buhjan Governor retorted. “Even I can see that.” “My sister is stronger than that, my Lord.” Brent said. They watched Theodora, as she sat, huddled by the fire. It wasn’t cold; Buhj…

Unforgivable Sin

He watched her, as she sat, pensive, wistful almost on the bed they shared – if one could call it a bed. It was after a fashion, he guessed, but mostly an assortment of cloth that piled together made up a bed. And shared was also an exaggeration; they slept next to one another because…

Moving Past Loss

The man was talking but I couldn’t hear him.  I know they say that sometimes we shut down after getting shocking news, or after going through a traumatizing event… but it was different.  I know they say I was lucky; not in the train when the bomb exploded. 8 people died that day. I wasn’t…