
She was looking down at the yarn wondering what the heck she was supposed to do with it.  Not once in her life did she ever use this kind of thing; she must have looked like an idiot to the women surrounding her but she had no idea what they expected her to do.  They…

Unique Collection

“I collect rarities, beautiful yet scarce treasures,” she said, in response to Sasha’s quizzical look at her eclectic assortment of furniture, trinkets, gemstones and paintings. “Some will call it kitsch or bad taste but I don’t really care. I’ve always liked to collect things… One might argue I also collect people.” She laughed. “I like…

Finding her Feet

They all said that growth was an important part of the learning process, but the thing is… she didn’t know what they actually meant by growth. Did they mean the growth of historical knowledge? Check.Did they mean growth of her understanding of magic and its uses? Check.Did they mean the growth of her power? Check…

After the Fall

Darkness… whispers of far away voices… the void, the emptiness that promised death. The cold of a dark river, as she crossed it. And then pain… excruciating, mind numbing, a pain that broke, that suffused everything. But still the darkness.   Her entire body ached; her legs, arms, head… it was as if she’d been in…


Eriane splays her fingers. Hesitates a moment; she has known it might happen. It already happened what seems years ago when the goddess attempted to open the doors. But now she can do it; with the second key in her hands, a request made – not an order this time – she could. She isn’t…

#tuesdayuseitinasentence ~ Carriage

As she came out of the carriage the crowd gasped; she may have been born a commoner but she had a princess’s carriage. ©scolpron2018 ___________________________________________ Here are the prompt rules:Make a sentence with the word of the week. Leave it as just a sentence or write a post to go with it. Try to do…

House of Cards

She flashed a smile and a credit card; everyone around her cheered, as she paid for a round of shots. She watched the bartender; the black of the card impressed. It always did; they all knew what it meant. A thrill coursed through her body, as it always did. “Do you want to open a…

No More Time

“Give me time.” It was ironic; she needed the time but there was no time to be given. After all, it was the one thing one couldn’t buy, the one thing that flowed through one’s hands without ever being stopped. He needed time: maybe in time, a cure would be found to beat the sickness…

A short update

There’s nothing abstract about pain; almost. It’s something that one experiences physically whether the suffering is physical or emotional. My post will be short and a stream of consciousness since I can’t expect to write anything very thoughtful right now: the pain is bearable but a bit much for creative writing today. I haven’t been…

Happy, Happiest

The memories were vivid, as if everything happened the day before. In many ways it had. And today was just the happiest day of all the happy days she could have hoped for. She remembered the project: that was what it became after a while, although a child should never really be a project, should…


Hair. Everywhere. On her pillow, in the bathroom, in the shower when she washed. She knew it must happen but it didn’t make it easier. She was constantly torn between annoyance – she felt as if she were vacuuming every day – and sorrow. She’d always been so proud of her hair, she’d always found…

Liar Liar

Wood… why? Why would someone decide to be a carpenter in this day and age? He’d been perfect until then: was he even making money? It wasn’t as if he’d lied. If she cared to remember he had indicated in his profile that he worked with wood. But she hadn’t looked much beyond the picture…